All. The. Time.
Everywhere it seems.
From the talking heads; non-stop newsfeeds; streams of social media.
Incessant spewing about the roiling of the markets, climate change, gun violence, racism, antisemitism, political upheaval. It can be overwhelming to be constantly bombarded with negative news. This incessant stoking of fear and anxiety not only impacts emotional well-being, but can degrade your physical health too.
It’s come to be called Doom Porn. Because the constant consumption of this news and information about the negative and dire state of the world has an addictive quality for many.
One of the main negative effects of doom porn is that it can cause folks to feel helpless and powerless. There becomes this pervasive sense that there ‘s nothing you can do to change the state of the world, and that your individual actions don’t matter. It’s easy to end up feeling depressed and hopeless.
I can help you with this porn problem.
Experience awe.
Awe is the feeling of being in the presence of something vast and grand that transcends your everyday understanding. In nature, art, music, and in the grand forms of human achievement.
Experiencing moments of awe can have a profound impact on your emotional well-being. For sure, it can make you feel small in the grand scheme of things, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But it can also allow you feel connected to something greater than yourself. This feeling of connection can give you a sense of purpose and meaning to life.

Experiencing moments of awe can also boost your physical health. Studies have shown that it can lower stress levels, improve immune function, and even lead to a longer lifespan.
In a world that’s filled so much negativity, it’s necessary to take a step back and appreciate the beauty and wonder that is everywhere. By experiencing moments of awe, as a practice, you’ll counteract the negative effects of doom porn and find hope and inspiration in the world again.
So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by the negative news, take a moment to step outside and look at the stars or take a walk in nature. Listen to some uplifting music or read a book that inspires you. Find something that fills you with awe and let it remind you of the beauty and wonder of this magnificent world.
Awe is the antidote for doom.
Stay in awe.
Want to create work that brings you joy (and awe) every day? I can help. Email me: [email protected]
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