I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who’s a physical therapist. She told me that she was seeing more and more patients complaining of neck and upper back pain… because they were constantly looking down… at their smartphones, their tablets, and their laptops.
This week, look up.
From the dawn of our humanity, we have yearned for light.
We harnessed fire; we worshipped the sun.
Isaiah prophesied, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.
The Christmas star, the North star… always… we’ve looked up with hope…. waiting for the dawn…
Around campfires and fireplaces, in churches and synagogues, at the dinner table and at bedtime, we’ve told the stories: That out of the darkness came the Light… and that the Light was very good.
This. This season.
At stone circles, around the tree, in the flicker of the menorah…
We look up.
We recall when darkness shrouded the earth.
We embrace the light; we celebrate the Light.
And we remember… that we are called to be that Light.