It happens all the time.
Things go wrong.
The car breaks down; the power fails; and the basement floods.
Your key employee gets sick; the copier breaks; and your computers are hacked.
What will you do?
Do you know?
Because here’s the truth: things will go wrong. The shit will hit the fan.
Finland has a government commission. Its job is to imagine everything that could go wrong. It meets once a month and prepares for the imagined disaster: chemical spills; fuel shortages; power grid failures; and natural disasters of all shapes and sizes.
Fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and blizzards happen with some regularity. Yet many countries, communities, and businesses are blindsided. Again and again.
Ann and I are Wilderness First Responders. Every two years, we re-certify our training. Because when we’re out in the backcountry, deep in the wilderness, high on a mountain, the consequences of not knowing what to do when things go wrong are pretty significant.
We imagine scenarios and talk through how we’ll handle them. We keep a robust med kit in our backpacks and in the car.
In business, we know that the computers will go down, the internet will get wonky, the websites will get corrupted, that the SaaS will go bump in the night.
Do we like it when it happens?
Of course not.
It may throw us off our game. But it doesn’t shock us.
Because we’ve got a plan; and a process.
Because shit happens.
What can you imagine might go wrong in your biz?
What can you do to get ready?
Growing and scaling a business means creating systems and processes that not only will make your day-to-day life much easier, but also creating systems and processes that will allow you to be prepared for when things go wrong. We can help. We have an extraordinary team of businesses coaches. Email me: