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How To Stay Steady
These are tumultuous times.
There is no escaping it.
The ordinary stressors of life are enough. Work. Bills. Family. Health. The relentless pace of it all.
And then there’s the wider world. The noise. The anger. The division. The uncertainty.
It’s a lot. More than a lot. It can feel overwhelming.
If you feel anxious or afraid; if you feel exhausted; if you feel like you don’t know which way is up; know that you are not alone.
But… how do you stay steady? How do you keep your head above water? How do you hold your center when everything around you feels like it’s unraveling?
You double down on what keeps you whole.
Self-Care Is Not Optional
Now is not the time to neglect yourself. Now is the time to fiercely protect your well-being.
You need rest. Real rest. Not just collapsing at the end of the day, scrolling through the latest outrage. Turn off the noise. Read a book. Take a nap. Go outside.
Move your body. Stretch. Walk. Run. Breathe fresh air. The body holds onto stress—let it move through you instead of getting stuck.
Eat real food. Drink water. Cut back on sugar, caffeine, and doom-scrolling. It all adds up. It all affects how you feel.
Your Spiritual Life Anchors You
This is a time for grounding. A time for stillness. A time for prayer.
Whatever your practice—morning quiet, scripture, meditation, gratitude—return to it. Let it hold you. Let it remind you of what is true.
The world will shout at you to panic. But your soul knows another way. A deeper way.
Make space to listen.
Emotional Wellness Matters
Feelings are not facts. But they are messengers.
Pay attention to what you are feeling, but do not let it consume you. Name it. Anxiety. Fear. Sadness. Frustration. Let it be there without letting it take over.
Talk to someone you trust. A friend. A mentor. A therapist. You do not have to carry it all alone.
Set boundaries. Guard your attention. The world is loud, but you get to choose what you let in.
Protect your peace.
Stay In The Present
Fear thrives in the future. Regret lives in the past. But steadiness is found in the now.
What is good in this moment? What is real? The warmth of a cup of coffee. The sound of laughter. The kindness of a stranger.
Come back to your breath. Come back to your body. Come back to this moment.
Right here. Right now.
You are okay.
Steadiness Is A Practice
You won’t always feel grounded. Some days will be harder than others. That’s okay. Keep coming back.
Take care of yourself. Tend to your soul. Be kind to your mind. Move your body.
You are not meant to carry the weight of the world. Do what you can. Love who you can. Trust that goodness remains.
The storm may rage, but you can stay steady.
And remember: You are not alone.

In life itself, there is a time to seek inner peace, a time to rid oneself of tension and anxiety. The moment comes when the striving must let up, when wisdom says, “Be quiet.” You’ll be surprised how the world keeps on revolving without your pushing it. And you’ll be surprised how much stronger you are the next time you decide to push.”
— John Gardner
I was moving forward at warp speed. As I do.
Then I stopped.
Not because I really wanted to. But because I had promised myself I would.
I returned once again last week to a remote retreat. To rest; to re-create; to renew. (I set as my intention to do this four times a year.)
Going off the grid can be tough duty for an achievement and adrenaline junkie like me.
But what I know for sure is that the stopping is essential to the going.
We – all of us – are bombarded by inputs, demands, and expectations. We’re inundated with voice mails and text messages, emails, and faxes. Everyone and everything competes for our attention. And with our “smart” phones, we’re always “on.”
One day melds into the next as we labor under our self-imposed illusions that if we can but accomplish just a little bit more, pack in just a little bit more, respond to just one more request, satisfy just one more client, cart the child just one more place, complete one more task, then we’ll be able to rest.
Culturally – and individually – we’re weary. At the end of the day, most of us feel worn pretty thin.
We forget how important – how essential – renewal is.
Rest days are a key component of high-altitude mountaineering. Recovery is a critical piece of athletic training.
Bears hibernate; trees go dormant. The natural world knows how to rest. The seasons have a rhythm to them. We not so much.
We keep on pushing on.
I finished on wonderful book while on retreat: Life Entrepreneurs by Christopher Gergen and Gregg Vanourek. It resonates so profoundly with the work I do: empowering extraordinary living. Its essential message: “We can fashion a life that is purposeful, self-directed, and aligned with who we truly are – providing us with opportunities for challenge, contribution, and fulfillment.” We get to design our lives. We get to choose.
It’s a hard-driving book filled with fascinating profiles of highly successful, remarkably creative leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs. It explores all of the nuances of extraordinary lives. And it captures a core component of success, one overlooked by nearly all gurus, coaches, and achievement “experts:” the need to stop; to renew; to re-create.
Speed kills. “We ignore the basics of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being at our own peril.” Make renewal “a cherished habit,” the authors say.
Not all of us need to go off the grid to a monastery for a week at a time (although I highly recommend it!). But there are practices and “habits” that you could explore that might allow for some breathing room. Here are some things that you might want to try:
- Turn off your electronics for a day (or even just an hour!)
- Explore a regular mediation practice
- Take a yoga class
- Do some aerobic exercise every day
- Walk in the woods or along the shore
- Avoid your email in-box in the morning
- Work in block time to avoid the interruptions
- Don’t multi-task (it doesn’t really work anyway)
- Take regular vacations, long weekends, and mental health days
- Learn to say ‘no’ more often
Even the smallest of self-care practices will make life sweeter.
The authors of Life Entrepreneurs remind us what John Muir once said: “I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.”
When you go in, you’ll find how much more there is of you to step out with – to share with the world.
All you need to do is stop.

We Have The Gym Back
The gym was packed in the first week of January.
Every treadmill taken.
Weights clanking.
Bikes whirling.
Resolutions were on full display.
By the second week, a few people disappeared.
By the third, more empty spaces.
Now, in the first week of February, it’s back to the regulars.
This happens every year.
At the end of December, people make big promises.
Get fit. Lose the weight. Find the new job. Make the art. Write the book.
A fresh start. A new you.
And then life happens.
The slipstream of routine pulls hard.
The enthusiasm fades.
The habits don’t stick.
But here’s the thing—resolutions aren’t just for January.
Every day is a chance to begin again.
Every morning, a clean slate.
Every moment, a fresh start.
So if you’ve let your goals slide, don’t fret.
You don’t have to wait for another new year.
Just begin again.
Right now.
The gym is still here.
The book can still be written.
The dream is still alive.
Start today.

Ten Thousand Hours Of Resting
You’ve heard of the 10,000 hour rule, yes?
Researched by Anders Ericsson and popularized by Malcolm Gladwell, the 10,000 hour rule suggests that in order to become an expert at something, you need to devote 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to the discipline.
Did you know that the 10,000 hour rule pertains to rest as well?
I didn’t think so.
Because, culturally, success has become defined by how long and hard you work.
“Busy” has become a badge of honor.
Yet… you’re not a machine.
You can’t keep going 24/7/365.
(You wouldn’t do that to your car. Or to your dog.)
It’s not sustainable.
The need for rest is axiomatic; it’s in the research… but few dare talk about it.
Athletes know it. Artists and entertainers know it.
And in your bones, you know it.
You actually need to rest.
Rest is a core component of success you want.
Rest makes you stronger. Better. Sharper. More resilient.
Able to do the work you’re meant to do in the world.
Able to serve the people you’re meant to serve.
Able to truly enjoy this magnificent gift that is your life.
So, yes, play full out. Devote the 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to your craft.
But don’t forget the rest.

Guard It Well
Attention is a form of currency.
It is precious. Limited.
And everyone wants it.
Social media. Streaming platforms. Breaking news.
Every ad. Every alert. Every notification. All designed to capture your focus.
When you “pay” attention, you are spending a piece of yourself.
Your energy. Your presence. Your time.
The market is relentless. It does not care about your well-being. It does not care about your peace.
Its goal is to keep you hooked. Distracted. Overwhelmed. Exhausted.
But you can resist.
Start with awareness. Notice what draws you in.
Set boundaries. Limit notifications. Mute distractions. Create sacred spaces where attention can rest.
Be deliberate. Focus on what matters most. Family. Friends. Your goals. Your well-being.
Every choice adds up. Every moment matters.
Protect your attention. Treat it like the treasure it is.
Because where your attention goes, your life follows.
Be mindful. Stay present.
Don’t let the world steal this precious gift from you.


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