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Hanging By A Thread
Do you ever feel like you’re fighting a forest fire with a squirt gun?
Or like a tiny silver ball in a pin ball machine?
Life comes fast and furious.
Worries about the economy; and war.
Juggling kids and work.
The non-stop onslaught of emails, text messages, notifications and alerts. And the never-ending stream of social media too.
Mindfulness? Balance?
Hah! In your dreams.
In the attention economy, you pay with the most important asset you can never get back: Your time.
Spend wisely.

I Can Read Your Mind
I can read your mind.
I’m not always right, but with a bit of help, I can come pretty close.
“How you spend your days is, of course, how you spend your life,” Annie Dillard says. “What you do with this hour, and that one, is what you are doing.”
Spend your time on what matters most.

The Present Present
The present is called the present because it’s a present!
Your full presence is the greatest gift that you can give to another human being.
Your full presence is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
Because this moment – this one and only precious moment – is the only moment there is.
Be here now.

Dress Slowly
When you’re in a hurry, dress slowly.
A really good mindfulness mantra, attributed to Napoléon in battle.
A mantra I use in the mounatins.
Good for daily life too!
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
When you’re in a hurry, slow the action down.

Vacate and Recreate
Will you take one?
A real one?
I’m talking about a real vacation.
Where you actually get away. Away from the office, away from work, away from the screen, away from email, away from social.
Away from the slipstream of your life.
So that you can rest, and restore, and recreate.
I say a real one. Because way too many people take pretend ones.
“A working vacation,” which is decidedly not a vacation. Because when you continue to dip in and out of work, you deprive yourself of that opportunity to step completely out of the vortex; and reconnect with that deepest part of yourself.
To reconnect with your heart, and soul, and spirit.
To ground yourself again.
Getting away – really getting away – is essential for your wellness and wellbeing.
It is only from a place of deep rest, and recreation that you can sustain the important work you are called to do in the world.

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Finding The Way
Ultra Training