Walt Hampton, J.D.

Creating the Work & Life You LOVE

a visit to my bedroom

I’m inviting you into my bedroom this week to share an important idea.

How will you create this space?

Want to find the time to create some negative space? Download my free guide right HERE.

and there was a wheelchair accident

We lost a bright star this week. Stephen Hawking. One of the great luminaries of our age.

Despite his debilitating diagnosis of Lou Gehrig’s disease decades ago, Hawking stayed at the cutting edge of physics and astronomy, generating groundbreaking research on the cosmos and the origins of our universe. He was a prolific writer and speaker. He pushed the edges of humanity’s knowledge, and the boundaries of his own physical limitations.

And he wasn’t afraid to risk.

Hawking broke his leg in a high speed wheelchair accident on the streets of his home town. He soared in a hot air balloon. And in 2007, when he was 65, Hawking took part in a zero-gravity flight.

Asked why he took such risks, he said, “I want to show that people need not be limited by physical handicaps as long as they are not disabled in spirit.”

Hawking lived a big life.

Each one of us is called to live a big life. To step beyond our own obstacles and limitations. To get out of our own way. To go out in the world and share those gifts and talents that are uniquely ours to share.

The poet Rumi wrote, “You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. Learn to use them and fly.”

Toward the end of his life, Hawking said, “Though as humans we’re bound to earth, we’re meant to fly with wings.”

When will you claim your wings?

A Productivity Paradox

There’s a great book by Gary Keller called The One Thing.

Keller suggests that ol’ Vilfredo Pareto was much too generous with his principle that we call the 80/20 rule… you know the rule that says 20% of your efforts yield 80% of your outcomes. (And, of course, if that’s true… why aren’t you focusing just on the 20%, right?)

Keller explores the idea that maybe it’s 10% that yields the 90%. Or 5% that yields the 95%. Or… perhaps… it’s really just one thing. One thing that really moves the dial in your business or your life.

Just one thing.

Keller has this great question: What’s the one thing that would make everything else easier or unnecessary?

It’s a powerful question to consider when doing yearly and quarterly planning. It’s an important question to hold as your look at your week. It’s a game changing question to hold from moment to moment.

And sometimes the answer is a surprising one.

What’s the one thing for you right now?

Want to find the time to sort out The One Thing? Download my free guide right HERE.

a fate worse than death

Fear. We all have it.

It’s hard wired into us. It’s dialed into the oldest part of our brains, into our old reptilian brains.

It’s there to keep us safe.

When we hunted on the savanna, it kept us alert, it kept us on watch for the lions and woolly mammoths who might have wanted us for lunch.

Happily most of us don’t need to worry about lions and woolly mammoths.

But that old familiar fear designed to keep us safe now keeps us from living our very best lives.

It keeps us from trying new things; it keeps us from exploring the unknown.

We avoid risking.

We avoid failing.

We play small.

When we move beyond our fear, beyond our comfort zones, that’s were the magic happens, that’s where the excitement is… that’s where we grow… that’s where the adventures are… .

Out there on the edge.

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Do one think that scares you every day.”

Fear never goes away. And our very best lives are just on the other side of fear.

So, if you don’t want to play small; if you want a big life; if you want to make a difference; if you want to make an impact in the world; then make friends with your fear. Feel the fear. And do it anyway.

What edge will you explore?


But WHERE will you find the time to explore new things, you ask? Download my free guide right HERE.



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