Walt Hampton, J.D.

Creating the Work & Life You LOVE

About White Space

About White Space

He was overwhelmed. Stressed out. “Slammed,” he said.

Of course, my client, a young lawyer, is not alone. A significant majority of business professionals and execs cite lack of time as their biggest challenge in achieving career goals.


I looked at a screenshot of my client’s Google Calendar: A sea of colors; back-to-back appointments all week long.

No breaks; no respite.

No white space.

White space is the key to creating a saner life.

In my weekly planning, I deliberately create lots of white space on my calendar.

I create white space because sometimes things take longer than I think they will.

I create white space because unexpected interruptions crop up.

I always leave a big block of white space on either side of a coaching appointment. Beforehand, I want to have time to review my notes and think about my client; what we worked on in the last call; and where we want to go. Afterwards, I want time to finish up my notes, reflect on the work we’ve done, and consider where we need to go next.

White space gives you the time to:

  • Think
  • Reflect
  • Create
  • Read
  • Listen to music
  • Hydrate
  • Enjoy some quiet
  • Breathe
  • Be

White space is a powerful time management secret.

With white space, you’re not as frenetic. You’re able to slow down. You’re able to be more mindful and deliberate. You’re more aware of the beauty and the majesty that surrounds you. You’re able to connect more deeply with others. You’re able to recognize what’s merely urgent; and what’s truly important. You’re more resilient and resourceful. And happier too.

If you really want a life that is rich and full and deeply satisfying; if you really want to serve the people you’re meant to serve; if you really want to make an impact in the world, then create more white space!


If you’d like help with this, I have a powerful system. Email me today! [email protected]

And stop by for a visit at: https://summit-success.com/

About That Porn Problem

About That Porn Problem


All. The. Time.

Everywhere it seems.

From the talking heads; non-stop newsfeeds; streams of social media.

Incessant spewing about the roiling of the markets, climate change, gun violence, racism, antisemitism, political upheaval. It can be overwhelming to be constantly bombarded with negative news. This incessant stoking of fear and anxiety not only impacts emotional well-being, but can degrade your physical health too.

It’s come to be called Doom Porn. Because the constant consumption of this news and information about the negative and dire state of the world has an addictive quality for many.

One of the main negative effects of doom porn is that it can cause folks to feel helpless and powerless. There becomes this pervasive sense that there ‘s nothing you can do to change the state of the world, and that your individual actions don’t matter. It’s easy to end up feeling depressed and hopeless.

I can help you with this porn problem.


Experience awe.

Awe is the feeling of being in the presence of something vast and grand that transcends your everyday understanding. In nature, art, music, and in the grand forms of human achievement.

Experiencing moments of awe can have a profound impact on your emotional well-being. For sure, it can make you feel small in the grand scheme of things, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But it can also allow you feel connected to something greater than yourself. This feeling of connection can give you a sense of purpose and meaning to life.

Experiencing moments of awe can also boost your physical health. Studies have shown that it can lower stress levels, improve immune function, and even lead to a longer lifespan.

In a world that’s filled so much negativity, it’s necessary to take a step back and appreciate the beauty and wonder that is everywhere. By experiencing moments of awe, as a practice, you’ll counteract the negative effects of doom porn and find hope and inspiration in the world again.

So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by the negative news, take a moment to step outside and look at the stars or take a walk in nature. Listen to some uplifting music or read a book that inspires you. Find something that fills you with awe and let it remind you of the beauty and wonder of this magnificent world.

Awe is the antidote for doom.

Stay in awe.


Want to create work that brings you joy (and awe) every day? I can help. Email me: [email protected]

And stop by for a visit at: https://summit-success.com/

What Is Your Heart’s Desire

What Is Your Heart’s Desire

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

Proverbs 13:12

How are you today?

I hope you’re rested, refreshed and satisfied after your holiday celebrations.

But if, instead, you’re feeling dazed and depleted and maybe a little bit empty, you are not alone.

The holidays are a huge source of stress; a seemingly never-ending torrent of buying and wrapping and eating and drinking and binging and networking and connecting and partying; with concomitant unceasing demands and obligations and expectations.

Likely you’ve spent the last month (or more) hustling around fulfilling everyone else’s wants. Tending to the needs of others.

Maybe you think you’re done.

Except that you’re not.

It’s today. Another day. And while you can, perhaps, distract yourself for a little while longer, continuing to ring in the New Year, the day is coming soon when you will face the expanse – or the abyss – of the year ahead.

So today’s question is not about all those other folks you’ve been attending to. It’s about you.

What do you want?

What do you really want?

Not what you think you should want; or what you think you’re expected to want. Not what your father wanted; or what you’re mother thought would be right. Not what your partner or boyfriend or girlfriend or neighbors want. Not what your clients want. Not what some well-intentioned teacher or guidance counselor wanted for you.

Rather, what is it you want ? For yourself. Right here. Right now.

The folks who read this blog are, by their very nature, givers. The challenge for givers is receiving. The challenge for givers is getting quiet enough to listen to the still small voice that speaks to us of our heart’s desires. The challenge for givers is giving to ourselves what it is we really, really want.

Because, we presume that what we want is bad. Or selfish. Or self-centered.

Or more frequently, we forget what we wanted. We become numb to our heart’s desire.

So at the start of this new year, I have a challenge for you: Set aside some time just for you; and spend some time asking yourself (and perhaps journaling about) these questions:

  • If I could make my life any way I wanted it, what would my ‘perfect’ day look like? My ‘perfect’ week? What time would I get up? What would I wear? Who would I spend my time with? What work would I do? What projects would I pursue? What travels would I take? What would my ‘perfect’ life look like?
  • If this were my very last year on earth, what would I do? Would I stay in the same relationship; would I keep the same job; would I hang out with the same people; would I go the same places; would I do things the way I’m doing them right now?
  • If money were no object, if I won the $30 million dollar Powerball, what would I do? After I bought all the toys I wanted, where would I go; who would I go with; where would I spend my time; what experiences would I want to create; what legacy would I want to leave?

Because here’s what’s true: Those whispers that are in your heart, those dreams that you have, those projects you want to create, those places you want to go, the empires you want to build, the impact you want to make… they’re not random musings; they’re not accidents. They are the call of your Spirit, the Divine within you, showing you – telling you – the way.

So think. Write. Draw. Free flow. Tear down the boundaries. No limitations. Let your imagination run wild.

And then get busy. Because, that’s what you want. That’s what you really want.

That’s your heart’s desire.


When you’re ready; when you’re ready to respond to that call deep within; let’s talk. Email me: [email protected].

Punched In The Face

Punched In The Face

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Mary Oliver

“I’m excited to take one in the face,” the Chief Strategy Officer said.

His New Years Resolution? To get into a fistfight. In the office.


The Wall Street Journal cites a disturbing thread in the “back to office” conversation: Leaders and managers who want to dial up the heat.

More demands, tighter deadlines, greater intensity.

Rewarding face time, ambition and drive at the expense of sanity, space and balance.


Have we learned nothing?

Many leaders came out of the pandemic with an understanding that the hustle culture was broken. That the way most organizations worked didn’t really work. That there was a better way, a more sustainable way.

The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting, and the challenges of recruiting and retaining really good talent seemed to punctuate these hard-learned lessons.

But then inflation spiked and recession loomed; layoffs ensured.

Some in leadership saw this as an opportunity to return to the good old days.

Don’t get sucked back in.

You are the co-creator of this gift that is your life.

You get to create the work and the life that brings you joy.

Plan well this “one wild and precious life.”


Want help creating a new plan? We have an amazing team of coaches who can help. Email me and we’ll set up a no-obligation call: [email protected]

And stop by for a visit at: https://summit-success.com/

Manifesting BS

Manifesting BS

Are you manifesting a bright New Year?

A 2023 Tesla?

A marathon-ready body?

Dollars instead of crypto in your bank account?

I hope not.

Oh, sure, manifesting is “in.” Hashtag trending, in fact!

Indeed, you needn’t look far. The purveyors of manifesting challenges and courses are lining up and standing by to swipe your card.

For 37 bucks and a few minutes a day, you can (finally) learn to do it “right.

Would that it were that easy.

It’s not.

I’ve built five successful businesses from scratch. Each one took time and a dirty four-letter word: Work.

Twice I’ve run the Grand Canyon from rim to rim to rim. Both times required months of discipline and training.

I’ve stood on some of the highest summits in the world. All of them have required meticulous preparation, and skills honed over decades.

None of it involved manifesting.

So here’s my invitation to you as you stand on the threshold of 2023: Be a creator, not a manifester.

Leave the manifesting to those who have 21 days (or more) to waste, hoping that something will turn up.

Decide what it is you really want in the year ahead. Create a concrete actionable plan that will get you there; and then start. Take small consistent steps toward your goal every single day.

Perhaps it’s finding a different job; launching a new program; building a new business; searching for the love of your life; running your first 10k. (Or maybe it is working toward a Tesla!)

Whatever it is, begin it. “Boldness has genius, power and magic in it,” Goethe wrote.

Will you falter? Will you stumble? Might you fail?


But keep your focus on your vision; keep your focus on what’s working. What you focus on you’ll see.

Will it be easy?

Not likely. Things that are worthwhile usually aren’t.

But, as Jim Rohn once said, “Don’t wish it was easier wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge wish for more wisdom.”

Cathedrals are built one stone at a time.

Stay steady; stay the course.

You are the co-creator of this magnificent gift that is your life.

Be that creator.

Happy New Year.


Want help co-creating your 2023? Email me and we’ll set up a no-obligation strategy call: [email protected]

And stop by for a visit at: https://summit-success.com/



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