Walt Hampton, J.D.

Creating the Work & Life You LOVE

Ya Gotta Love It

Ya Gotta Love It

You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you’re not passionate enough from the start, you’ll never stick it out. –Steve Jobs

I have a client – articulate, driven, highly educated and talented – whose business is failing.

Because she doesn’t love it.

I have a friend who is having a devil of a time landing a job in a field in which he has worked for years – and excelled.

Because he doesn’t love it.

Love for what you do is the only thing that sets you apart.

Love for what you do is the only thing that will sustain you.

Benjamin Bloom (of Head Start fame), while he was a professor at the University of Chicago, did a study of 120 outstanding scholars, artists, and athletes. He was trying to figure out what made them tick; and even more important, what common factors contributed to their greatness.

He controlled for intelligence; he controlled for family background. He discovered that geography didn’t matter; that race didn’t matter; that socio-economic advantage didn’t matter; and that it didn’t matter whether these folks were ‘naturally smart.’ The only thing – the one common denominator – that distinguished these folks was extraordinary drive.

And the only thing that fuels extraordinary drive… is passion.

A love for the ‘game.’

A love so keen that it propels you out of bed in the morning and sets the day on fire.

A love so strong that you can take the heat, endure the pain, keep the faith, go the distance.

There are lots and lots of sales people, countless Internet marketers, a bazillion coaches, more lawyers than real people, doctors out the ying yang. A nearly inexhaustible selection of authors and artists and plumbers and HR managers and executives and electricians.

Your ‘job,’ your position, is not unique.

But you are.

Over the long haul, you can never compete on price, credentials, ‘novelty,’ flashy ads or noise.

Because at that level, everyone looks the same. Your voice disappears in the landscape.

All noise; and no signal.

But when you’re on fire, you stand out.

When you’re filled with passion, there is no one else who looks like you. No one else who can possibly compete.

When you claim your own authentic voice, there is no competition.

None at all. Your success is guaranteed.

Your energy signature is yours alone. It carries the day.

Here’s the truth: Just because you’re good at something, or have done something for a long time, doesn’t mean you should keep on doing it.

Ya Gotta Love It

Dale Carnegie once said, “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”

And you can’t possibly have fun unless you’re really feelin’ the love.

Steve Jobs said, “[T]he only way to do great work is to love what you do…. Don’t settle”

You are called to do great work.

Find that love.

Don’t ever settle.

Start and See What Happens

Start and See What Happens

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

— Goethe

It didn’t matter that I had sealed the seams.  Or that we had a tub floor.  Or that I had put a tarp over the site.  Water was everywhere.

The torrential rains had come just after midnight.  The sound on the tent wall was deafening.  And depressing.

I could only coax a few of the group to start out into that dank October dawn.  A summit looked improbable.

The rain poured unrelentingly.  The trail ran like a river.  Within minutes, I was soaked. And miserable.

Up the slick talus we struggled. The temperature near freezing. The visibility a few hundred feet at best.

And suddenly, the three of us broke through the mist, into a crystal clear windless sky. The sun warmed us and dried us.  Snow flakes shot upward from the cloud deck below like crystal fireworks. Everywhere we looked, rainbows shimmered and danced.

It was as if we had been transported across time to a parallel universe.  Nothing was as it had been. And it was like nothing we had ever seen.

We reveled in our good fortune and marveled in our own private paradise.

Hours later, standing once again in the rain outside our soggy tents, words failed us as we tried to share with our friends who had stayed behind the wonders that we had seen.

Those who didn’t start out could never know.

I learn this lesson time and time again.  From getting out the door for the morning run, to the looming research project, to the unpleasant conversation that needs to happen, to the weights at the gym and the blog that wants to be written.

You gotta at least start.

Julia Cameron in her wonderful timeless book The Artist’s Way says that our job is to show up on the page.

Whether we want to or not, we show up and start out.

It’s what makes a “pro” says Steven Pressfield in the War of Art. An amateur capitulates to resistance; an amateur is always willing to negotiate the project away.

Whether you’re tired or not, whether it’s raining or not, whether you’re fearful or not, whether you’re feeling fat or not, whether you’re racked with doubt or not, whether you hate your job or not, whether you’re motivated or not, whether you’re in shape or not, whether it’s too early or too late, or not, whether you’re inspired or not; it is irrelevant. If you’re a pro, you make up your mind and you do it. You just do it.

Cameron says, “Leap and the net will appear.”  There is a magic in the starting out.  The way unfolds in a manner that can never be imagined locked in inertia.

Goethe writes, “The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves as well. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise occur. A stream of events issues from that decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen accidents, meetings and material assistance that no one could of dreamed would come their way.”

“What I have learned from this simple philosophy is this,” writes Mel Robbins in this month’s Success magazine. “When it comes to being master of your life, you are never going to feel like doing what you need to do.  It will feel wrong to ask for help.  It will make you afraid to present your business plan.  You won’t want to run when it’s raining outside.  Getting out of bed can feel downright radical simply because you don’t want to. But you have to.”  When the alarm rings, stand up, she says.

I have hit the snooze more times than I care to admit.

But I have walked ridges sculpted by the hand of God, stumbled upon the most beautiful dawns, discovered images in my viewfinder, and found entire stories upon my page, simply by starting out.

Start out. You don’t need to see the whole way. Just start.  And see what happens.

The Secret Recipe

The Secret Recipe

Brené Brown, in her beautiful book The Gifts of Imperfection, has a wonderful exercise: List your “ingredients for joy and meaning,” she instructs.


It’s a powerful exercise because, for most of us, the ingredients are pretty simple; and they don’t cost very much. For me, they’re a long gentle trail run, feeling the wind on my face on a mountaintop, having the time to read a good book, sitting on my deck watching the sunlight fade, or sharing a simple meal with my wife, my best bud, Ann.

But, for some reason, many of us lose track of our ingredients. Instead we race around looking for new and exciting places to go, and the latest shiny toys to buy. (Don’t get me wrong, I love to travel, and I really like nice toys.) You plan grand things and then, all too often, end up exhausted and depleted. (Do you remember that last vacation when you had to go back to work to rest up from?) And you wonder why you’re missing out on joy and meaning.

You focus single-mindedly on the destination (as success driven folks tend to do); and neglect the journey. You get lost in the doing rather than the being.

Maybe Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz had it right. Maybe your heart’s desires isn’t so far away after all.

Maybe joy and meaning are here. Right in front of you.

As you live into this last quarter of the year, it might be worthwhile to remember the ingredients. Your ingredients.

Will you do that?

The Things I Am Sad About

The Things I Am Sad About

I’m sad that I can’t call my dad and hear his voice.

I’m sad that my precious daughter is grappling with an unimaginable tragedy.

I’m sad that my dearest friend and I don’t see each other as often as I would like.

I’m sad that someone dear to me is struggling with horrible addiction.

I’m sad that my mom and I were at odds in the last years of her life.

I’m sad that there is so much hatred in the world.

I’m sad that all of us lost so much in the pandemic.

I’m sad that the wife of a dear client lost her father.

I’m sad that a magnificent glacier on a favorite mountain of mine has disappeared.

I’m sad that I haven’t spoken to one of my sons in months.

I’m sad that we left our beautiful home in Ireland.

I’m sad that so many people have lost so much in Maui, and Morocco, and Libya.

I’m sad that families with children in our affluent valley are without homes.

I’m sad that people are fighting and dying every day in Ukraine.

I’m sad that time seems to fly by way too fast.

I’m sad that injury kept me from doing what brings me joy for so long.

I’m sad that everything I love I will someday lose.

When I write these things – and feel these things – I cry.

Holy tears they call them in grief work.

But really, they wholly suck.

Because I don’t like sad. 

(Who does?)

Being sad is a buzzkill.

I like happy.

I focus on the good.

I say upbeat affirmations.

I’m a goal-driven success junkie.

I keep a gratitude journal, dammit.

So, why bother even saying that I feel sad?

Because sad is real.

If you don’t feel the feels, they come out sideways.

In self-medication and addiction.

In anxiety, anger, hatred, violence, and rage.

I lost my dad in the pandemic. He was the best dad. I couldn’t be with him when he died. When I could finally travel again, all I found was a barren lump of frozen ground.

I had such deep sadness. Such loneliness. So much anger. 

For two years, I kept it bottled up inside.

Ann would say, “You need to pay attention to your grief.”

I’d say, “Fuck my grief.”

Over and over and over again, like rogue waves, the grief would blindside me and knock me down.

Until unexpectedly (unintentionally truth be told), I had the opportunity – the gift – of doing deep work around my grief. In one miraculous moment, that cloud of darkness was lifted from me.

This from your card-carrying purveyor of toxic positivity:

Sad is an ever-present, constant companion on this our mortal journey.

There can be no happy without the sad.

No light without the dark.

In our grief-phobic culture, we are called to tend to grief. To connect with sadness. To name it. To make (uneasy) friends with it. To be present to it. To really feel it. For ourselves, and for those around us.

In that way, you will become whole.

You can heal.

We all can heal.

A broken world needs that. Now more than ever.

Achieve No Thing

Achieve No Thing

Achieve nothing.  Kind of like jumbo shrimp.

As I stretched out for my run the other morning, I began to read an article in the Buddhist publication Tricycle on the spiritual pitfalls of multi-tasking.

Tricycle is an excellent quarterly filled with wonderful writings from wise thinkers on such topics as “nothingness” and “meditation” and “enlightenment.”

Turning to stretch my other leg, I noticed that this month’s issue of Success magazine was also sitting on the counter.

I love Success.  It’s stuffed with dynamic articles on “business” and “leadership” and “wealth” from leaders and teachers like Sarah Blakely, Jack Canfield and John Maxwell. Like Tricycle, it’s one of the few publications that I read from cover to cover every month.

Strange combination of magazines, isn’t it?

When I look in my library, I see a similar cacophony:  a significant collection of books on theology and on Eastern thought; an equally impressive mix of business-related titles written by the likes of Richard Branson, Malcolm Gladwell and Warren Buffet.



As Westerners, we are programed for success.  Here in the Northeast, we might even say that we are driven for success. And yet, as fellow journeyers along the path, we search to understand the ultimate as well.

The question is: How do you strive to achieve your goals and at the same time stay true to your heart?  How do you pay the bills and accumulate the resources to have the freedom you want, and not lose sight of what is truly important? How do you achieve and still stay sane?

Finding the balance is the key, I guess. Although that sounds so trite.  And seems next to impossible. Not to mention the fact that “finding” seems to require the “achievement” of something.

It’s important to have goals.  It’s necessary to have money. You need to meet your responsibilities.  You want to be able to enjoy the opportunities that life presents to you.

And yet, at the end of the day, the person with the most toys doesn’t win.

Darren Hardy, once the publisher of Success, tells the story of visiting a family friend who had accumulated a “staggering fortune”  who now lay dying from cancer.  As Hardy was leaving, the man called him back to the beside and grabbed his arm. “Don’t miss the point like I did,” he told Hardy.  “I wish I’d spent as much time and energy accumulating relationships as I had houses.  I wish I had invested my heart as aggressively as I did my money.  Only now do I understand true wealth, and none of it appears on a balance sheet.”

When I first started in law practice, the standard to achieve was 1800 billable hours a year. For young professionals starting out today, it is not unusual to hear of expectations of 2000 billable hours and more.

And yet at the end of the path, no one is going to wish they had billed more time.

Achieving.  And not achieving.  Being.

Jack Kornfield writes, “What matters most is how we live. This is why it is so difficult and so important to ask this question of ourselves: ‘am I living my path fully, do I live without regret?’ so that I can say on whatever day is the end of my life, “Yes, I have lived my path with heart.”

“The quality of your action depends on the quality of your being,” writes Thich Nhat Hanh. He says,

“Look at the tree in the front yard.  The tree doesn’t seem to be doing anything.  It stands there vigorous, fresh and beautiful, and everyone profits from it.  That’s the miracle of being.  If a tree were less than a tree, all of us would be in trouble.  But if a tree is just a real tree, then there’s hope and joy.  That’s why if you can be yourself, that is already action.  Action is based on non-action; action is being.”

Oh, by the way,  while running on the elliptical, I finished that article in the Buddhist review on the spiritual dangers of multi-tasking.  Achieving nothing.



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